Critial Care Ultrasound
Trainer Portal
Trainer Availability
Schedule availability for directly supervised scanning using the online calender.
Siilo Group
Link to Siilo group for general dicussion and sharing interesting clinical cases.
Link for sharing and reviewing images.
Storing & Sharing Images
A guide for storing, uploading and sharing scans for remote review.
Cleaning & Infection Control
Information on cleaning machines and reducing spread of incection.
Reporting & Documentation
Report proformas and documentation standards.
Teams Channel
Link to the critical care ultrasound Teams channel.
FUSIC Guide & Resources
Useful links, information and guides for registering undertaking FUSIC qualifications.
Learning Resources
Resources and learning materials for point of care echo, lung, abdominal and DVT ultrasound.
Departmental Meetings
Dates and schedule for education and governance meetings.